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Until You Loved Me (Seven Brides, Seven Brothers Book 3) Page 8

  His brothers began to collectively offer their support for his relationship, with the sole exception of Nick, who still looked as angry as a hornet.

  Reaching into his pocket, Nick pulled out a wad of bills and slapped them down on the table. “I'm outta here. I don't know what's in the water these days, but I hope it's not catching. I have no intention of falling in love or walking down the aisle. You guys are dropping like flies. Have a great night everyone.”

  With his head down and his hands jammed into his front pockets, Nick quickly walked away from the table and out the door of the tavern. The brothers exchanged loaded glances. Mac and Brandon called after him, begging him to come back. Of all the Donahue brothers, Nick had always been the one who resisted change the most. More than anyone, Nick clung to the dynamics of the Donahue clan and found reassurance in the rhythms of their family life. Ever since Blue had gotten married, Nick had been a bit surly. With Ryder's engagement, his mood had only gotten worse. It had nothing to do with Sarah or Tess—he seemed to like them both—it had more to do with him feeling that the family was splintering apart.

  “Someone should go after him,” Mac advised, his brows knit together as he stared off into the distance.

  “Let me go,” Remy said as he jumped up from the wooden table and strode after Nick. As soon as he pushed open the door, the cool summer breeze hit him square in the face. It was one of the things he loved the most about living in Breeze Point. The days could be eighty plus, but the nights were full of fresh, soothing air. “Nick!” he called out just as his brother was about to step into his car. Nick turned towards him, a look of annoyance etched on his handsome face. With a dark head of hair and light olive skin, Nick had very strong, exotic features. His Hispanic and Italian heritage had combined to create a bold, striking look. Every emotion was always evident on his face. He'd never mastered the art of concealment.

  “What?” Nick asked, his voice ringing out with impatience. Remy knew his brother was wishing he'd been just a fraction faster so he'd be halfway down the road by now in his Porsche.

  “We need to talk about what just happened.”

  Nick shrugged. “Hey. I was rude. I apologize.”

  “You've been all over the place lately, brother. What's up?”

  “Just stressed I guess. With the restaurant and Dad's recovery—”

  “Dad's making positive strides and I heard the restaurant is doing incredibly well. You said last month you might open another one in Falmouth.” The Cove, a fine dining restaurant in Breeze Point was a very popular restaurant in Cape Cod. At the young age of twenty seven, Nick had pulled off the near impossible. He was a thriving restauranteur.

  Nick nodded. “Business is booming, but it's a lot to handle.” He let out a sigh. “I miss the way things used to be,” he said in a quiet voice.

  “Before Blue got married and Ryder got engaged. Am I right?”

  “The two things I have in life are our family and my restaurant. I don't like change. I hate feeling like this, but there it is. We've always been the Donahue brothers, taking the world by storm.” He winced. “I don't like this feeling of everything being fractured.”

  “It's not fractured, Nick. We've added two amazing members to our rowdy, tight-knit family. That's a good thing.” He reached out and patted Nick on the shoulder. “And we're still the Donahue brothers. That will never change.”

  He let out a huff of air. “It feels like it already has changed. And judging by that sappy, head over heels look on your face, it's about to change some more.”

  “I love you, Remy. And I'm happy for you. But I want things to stay the same...and they're changing every day. That bothers's my trigger, so to speak. I just need to deal with it in my own way and in my own time.” With a nod of his head, he jumped into the driver's seat and revved his engine.

  Remy stared after his brother's car as it roared away from him. Change. It was a hard concept for many, and seemingly impossible for Nick to wrap his head around. Nick wasn't just being ornery or selfish. He knew his brother wanted the best for all of them. When they celebrated their achievements and joyful moments, he was right there by their sides. He knew that Nick's problem with change was wrapped up in his painful past. Nick didn't talk about it a lot. Matter of fact, he hadn't discussed it since they were kids.

  It was too painful, too raw. Too shocking. Remy loved his brother dearly, and he forgave him for his poor attitude tonight. He knew Nick was coming from a place of hurt and abandonment, a place of cruelty and neglect. In a million years he would never be able to understand why human beings could be so cruel to children. All he could do was pray that Nick would realize that the love of the Donahue clan would be wrapped around him for the rest of his life. That would never change. He just wished he could somehow reassure Nick of that fact.


  Fridays at Sweet Treats was the best day of the work week as far as Gabrielle was concerned. In the afternoon they held cupcake making classes for the six to twelve-year-old range. They'd also hired two local college students and Seth, Tess' seventeen year old brother, to work some extra shifts since business had picked up considerably in the last few weeks. Seth was funny and opinionated and adorable. He'd just moved to town a few weeks ago and was living under his older sister's care. Vince told her Seth had a major league crush on her, which she thought was sweet and flattering.

  Making cupcakes and then decorating them with the kids kept a smile on her face all day long. Working with kids was her sweet spot. They were so bubbly and happy. It was fairly contagious, she realized. Just being in their presence gave her a lift. She'd never smiled so much in her life.

  And being around college students had her thinking about giving college another try. Cape Cod Community College wasn't too far away, and if she applied for some scholarships, perhaps she could swing it. Taking night classes a few times a week might allow her to make major headway towards her degree, especially since she had credits from her stint at University of Maryland.

  The biggest surprise of all was when Alec Donahue walked through the door of the bakery. The sight of him with his silver hair and twinkling eyes was heartwarming. He hadn't been to Sweet Treats in weeks! She knew he'd been focusing on his road to recovery. His medical team had advised him to lay off work until he'd made significant progress with his physical therapy. It was an encouraging sign to see him here today.

  There was something about this fantastic man that pulled at her heart strings and automatically gave him a spot on her unforgettable people list. Remy was right there beside him on the list, giving him a run for his money. She let out a sigh. Alec and Maggie had raised a wonderful son. Remy's birth parents deserved a lot of the credit also. Gone, but never to be forgotten. For almost nine years of his life Remy had been wrapped up in their cocoon of love, until they'd been ripped away from him. That love still lived inside Remy. It was indelibly imprinted on his soul and had led him on the path to becoming the great man he was destined to become.

  Alec greeted her with a bear hug. “Gabi! Isss nice to see you,” he said, a slight slurring evident in his speech.

  Gabrielle loved his enthusiasm and warmth. It reminded her so much of a certain someone, who seemed to take after his father in many ways. “Nice to see you too, Alec. You're looking fantastic. Did Maggie drive you here?” Gabrielle knew it was far too soon for Alec to get behind the wheel, not with the limb weakness he'd been experiencing.

  “Maggie dropped me off. I had a s-speech lesson. S-She's out doing errands.”

  “I'm proud of you and all your hard work. I've been hearing great things.”

  Alec beamed at her. He leaned in and whispered in her ear, “A little birdie tells me you and R-Remy like each other.”

  She felt her cheeks getting flushed. The way Alec said it was endearing, but she still felt put on the spot. Like each other? Yes, that was true. And nothing to be ashamed about, she reminded herself.

  She looked up at Alec. “Yes, we do. Very much. Than
k you for having such a wonderful son. He's incredible in so many ways.”

  Alec winked. “Takes after me,” he quipped.

  Gabrielle giggled at Alec's comment. “I'm not surprised.”

  “W-we're both romantics.”

  “Ain't it the truth,” she murmured as Seth came up behind Alec and gave him an enthusiastic pat on the back. Vince brought over the new hires and introduced them to Alec, who greeted them like old friends.

  Alec was right about his son. Remy was incredibly romantic. He was the type of man you fell head over heels in love with and could never get out of your system. He was a keeper in every sense of the word. With every day she was beginning to realize that she was out of her depth. How on earth could she not fall madly, dangerously in love with this gorgeous, generous man? And what would happen when things ended? Would she still be welcome at Sweet Treats? She couldn't imagine Breeze Point ever feeling the same without seeing it through Remy's lens.

  It was almost laughable that Maggie thought she was a threat to Remy's heart. In reality she was the more vulnerable one between the two of them. Was she being incredibly foolish by traveling down a road that might lead to heartache? If so, could she even stop herself from falling off the cliff?


  By the time Remy picked her up for their evening out, she was missing him like crazy. Although she didn't begrudge him the night out with his brothers, it had left a little ache in her heart not to be able to see him the last few days. The closer it came to the unveiling of his new gallery, the busier he became. It was difficult not to give in to feelings of insecurity. At times the thought had crossed her mind that Remy might have moved on to someone else or was losing interest in her. There were plenty of beautiful ladies in town, women who didn't carry a lot of emotional baggage on their shoulders like she did. She forcefully pushed those thoughts away, not wanting to cast doubt on the warm relationship they were building.

  “Trust in the Lord with all your heart.” It had been one of the bible verses her father had often quoted. She hadn't thought of it in years. Lately, she'd been drawing on her faith more and more. She'd always been taught that faith was a foundation. And it was true. Even though she'd strayed from her beliefs over the years, she was still standing solidly on the base.

  The evening spent in Remy's company passed by way too quickly. It didn't seem to really matter to either of them how they spent their time together. No matter what they ended up doing, they enjoyed being in each other's orbit. Tonight he'd taken her out to dinner on Main Street, followed by bowling. She'd beaten him in every game. She'd made him laugh by doing a little victory dance in the lane every time she had a strike. It was nice to not be so serious all the time and to let down her guard a bit. All too soon the evening came to a close and it was time to head home. Remy took the long way, taking them down by the harbor where the boats bobbed in the water, giving off a shimmery look in the darkness.

  With a whirring sound the convertible top of his sports car retracted, until there was nothing but wind whipping through her hair and the velvety beauty of the summer sky above her. A night beneath the stars. She threw her head back and gazed up at the heavens, content in the knowledge that she'd never in her life laid eyes on anything as stunning and timeless as this celestial masterpiece.

  “Now this is perfection,” she said with a contented sigh, stretching her arms above her head. It almost felt as if she could actually reach out and touch the twinkling starts and the luminescent moon if she tried.

  “Happy?” Remy asked.

  “Yes. Very much so.” She didn't like to admit she was happy. Somehow it felt as if she was tempting fate. It always felt as if she was on a tight wire, just waiting for something terrible to happen that would shatter her world.

  She reached out and touched Remy's arm. “Thank you for tonight.”

  He darted a quick glance in her direction, then turned his eyes back to the road. “You don't have to thank me. Being with you is reward enough.”

  He thought she was a reward? Where had this man come from? His tender, generous spirit and positive vibe was the very thing she needed to soothe her soul. He was like a healing balm in her life. For so long she'd been tucked away in her own cocoon, afraid to venture out, terrified of living a full, vibrant existence. Had she known a man like Remy existed, she would have come out of her shell a whole lot sooner.

  Thank you Lord, for bringing this kind, confident man into my world.

  Without warning, the calm and serenity of the evening was shattered by chaos. The sound of sirens, increasing in volume with every second, rent the air. The acrid smell of smoke filled the night air. As they rounded the corner on to Sea Crest, the sight of fire trucks, police cars, ambulances and a crowd gathered in the street greeted them. Fear and dread seized her by the throat. Something awful had happened.

  Just then she saw the inferno rising towards the top of the building. “Oh no,” she cried out. “My building is on fire!”

  Orange flames licked the brick walls of her apartment building. Black smoke furled from busted out windows. Soot and ash covered people sat curbside. Panic filled her till she thought she might choke on it.

  Please, Lord. Let everyone be alright. She'd silently recited the prayer in her head without even thinking about it. It had been a long time since she'd asked for God's grace and mercy. Before Remy even put the car in Park, Gabrielle wrenched open the door and jumped to the pavement. She began running toward the building at full speed. She let out an agonizing cry as she spotted the flames spreading and growing taller. They'd already reached the third floor where she lived.

  Remy overtook her in seconds, wrapping his long arms around her like a vice. She was bucking wildly to break free and clawing at his hands. A feeling of desperation raced through her. If she could just get to the second floor and her apartment. Perhaps she could salvage something before the whole building went up in flames.

  “Stop, Gabrielle. You can't go in there,” Remy said, his voice raised and insistent. “The entire building has gone up in flames.”

  “I have to! Everything I have in the world is in there!”

  “Your life is way more precious than anything inside those walls.” He shook her lightly till she looked up at him. “No force on earth is powerful enough to make me let go of you.”

  “No one is immune from heartache. No one.”

  Ryder Donahue

  Chapter Six

  “Why do bad things keep happening to me?” Gabrielle looked up at him, her tear-stained face wrenching at his heart. She looked shattered. He held a warm blanket in his hand that one of the firemen had given him. Gently, he wrapped it around Gabrielle's shoulders, protecting her against the cold night air that sliced through their clothing. He didn't like the look in her eyes. Their stunning caramel hue was clouded by fear and shock and sorrow.

  He glanced around at the chaotic scene unfolding around them. There were other residents of the building covered in blankets who bore the same shell-shocked expression as Gabrielle. The sight of children wrapped in their mother's arms left him reeling. Fires were such cruel, devastating events. Thankfully, the blaze had been extinguished, but the building was a complete casualty. He couldn't imagine that anything at all had been salvaged.

  “I need to go talk to the firemen and let them know you're accounted for. They'll want to know that you weren't in the building at the time of the fire.” Gabrielle said nothing in response. He took her by the arms and gently led her to a little spot curbside. As she sat down he told her once again, “I'm going to talk to the firemen. Will you be alright for a few minutes?”

  She nodded, then put her arms around her knees with her head bowed down. Reluctantly, he made his way over to the group of firemen who seemed to be directing the action.

  He quickly spotted Ryder speaking to the group of firemen, all of whom he knew very well. Breeze Point was a small community and he'd grown up with most of these guys.

  “Hey, Remy. What are you doing he
re?” Ryder asked, his expression one of confusion.

  “This is where Gabrielle lives. We were out tonight and came back to this.” He looked at the fire gutted apartment building and shook his head. “Utter devastation.”

  “Oh no,” Ryder said, placing his arm around Remy's shoulder. “She must be in bad shape after seeing all this.”

  “She's holding her own,” Remy said grimly. “Who knows what she'll be feeling when it all settles in as reality.”

  “It was a quick moving fire, Remy,” said Sam Starke, a former classmate of his and a first-rate firefighter. “We responded within five minutes of getting the call, but the flames had already taken over most of the building.”

  “Any idea what caused it?” Remy asked. He wanted to at least set Gabrielle's mind at ease by giving her concrete information about what had led to this disaster.

  “We won't know until we get in there and investigate,” Sam said, jutting his chin in the direction of his fellow firefighter, Braden James. “Any theories, Braden?”

  “We spotted some candles in a room on the second floor right next to some curtains,” Braden said with a scowl. “No telling right now if that was the culprit, but I have a sick feeling in my gut someone left them unattended. All it takes is a few seconds and you've got a fast-moving fire.

  “I'm glad your friend wasn't in the building,” Sam added. “We got lucky on this one. No one perished.”

  Candles? Anger flowed through Remy like a rushing river. Some idiot might have destroyed dozens of lives due to stupidity and carelessness. Over what? Decorative candles? Gabrielle had been traumatized, and if they hadn't been out together this evening, she might have died in the blaze. Just the thought of it caused a trickle of fear to race down his back. If he lived to be a hundred he would never forget the look of utter disbelief and horror on her face as she gazed at the inferno. The building was a complete and utter loss, leaving dozens of people without a place to live. Including Gabrielle. He took several breaths, trying to still the rage inside him.