Until You Loved Me (Seven Brides, Seven Brothers Book 3) Page 10
Gabrielle clutched her purse tightly. She hadn't let up on her grip ever since they'd seen flames destroying her building. “What are you talking about?”
Just then the door swung open, revealing a host of family members standing at the threshold. The first faces she spotted were Maggie and Alec. The kindness and concern etched on their lovely faces caused Gabrielle to break down in sobs. One minute she'd been fine, while the next she was falling apart all over again. She wiped furiously at her eyes, determined not to embarrass herself in front of Remy's entire family, most of whom seemed to be huddled around in the foyer.
Maggie rushed towards her and enveloped her in her arms. She felt her hand on her back, rubbing it in a comforting gesture. “You're going to be fine, Gabi. You're with us now and we've got you, safe and sound.” With Remy on one side and his mother on the other, they guided her into the Donahue home. Through a haze of tears she saw Tess, still wearing her paramedic attire, along with Seth, Sarah, Blue, Mac, Brandon, Wyatt and Nick.
Sarah came forward and gave her a warm hug. “My sister Lilah and I have lots of clothes for you, Gabrielle. There's three big bags upstairs. Take whatever you like to keep. And Tess is bringing some more tomorrow. And we have a bunch of shoes and accessories too.”
As soon as Sarah released her, Alec pulled her into his side. “So s-sorry. This must be so painful for you.”
One by one they all reached out to her. Mac stepped forward and squeezed her hand as she walked by. Wyatt nodded at her and said, “It's all going to be okay.” Seth pressed something into her hand. When she looked in her palm there was a gold cross necklace in it. “Seth, you're so sweet, but I can't take this. I wouldn't feel right.”
“I want you to have it, Gabi. Right now, you need it more than I do.”
With a slight nod of his head and an encouraging smile, Remy let her know it was okay to accept Seth's gift.
She gripped it tightly in her hand. Leaning forward she pressed a kiss on Seth's freckled cheek. “What a generous gift. It means the world to me, Seth.”
They were all showing her such love. And giving her comfort and a place to rest her weary head. It was lovely. And a tad overwhelming. There were so many people in this family. For someone who was used to solitude, it felt like a huge wave was crashing over her.
Maggie pulled her aside and said, “You must be exhausted. Let me take you upstairs and get you settled.” She grabbed hold of her hand and led her up the stairs to the second floor. Halfway down the hall she stopped and opened a door on the right hand side.
“I thought you might like this. A dose of color in a sometimes dark world.”
Gabrielle gasped. The room was a veritable rose garden. The walls were done in a pastel pink, green and white floral pattern. All of the accents in the room were pink or white. A tall vase of roses sat on the nightstand table. There was a nice sized window with sheer white curtains and a cool breeze emanating from outside. Just the sight of it immediately lifted her spirits. She felt as if she'd stepped into another world.
“It's beautiful, Maggie. I feel like I'm in one of Claude Monet's paintings.”
Maggie smiled at her. “Remy would love to hear you say that. He calls this room the Monet room. Which is fitting since Monet is his favorite impressionist painter. He's even traveled to Giverny in France where Monet lived and drew his inspiration from for his paintings.”
Gabrielle shook her head and sighed. “He's so well traveled and artistic. I don't think I could match his level of sophistication if I tried.” Once again she was wondering if she could ever be on the same level as Remy. It felt as if she had miles and miles to go on that journey.
“You don't have to try at all, Gabrielle. Remy sees something in you that draws him to you like a moth to a flame. He's crazy about you just the way you are.”
Maggie's words meant everything to her, especially since she knew that she'd had reservations about her relationship with her son. Over and over again, Maggie was showing her the true meaning of grace and compassion.
“Thank you, Maggie. For everything. My job at the bakery. For allowing me to stay at your lovely home. For.....Remy.” She became a little tongue tied when she tried to articulate her gratitude towards Maggie for having such an amazing son. It felt as if her head and her heart were all wrapped up in each other. How could she explain to Maggie what Remy meant to her? It would take a lifetime to fully express her feelings.
Maggie sat down on the bed, then patted the spot next to her. After Gabrielle joined her, Maggie laced Gabrielle's fingers with her own and held tight.
“I just want you to know I've had some very bad things happen in my life, things I didn't think I could ever get past.” She shuddered. “Things that brought me down to a place where I didn't even want to wake up in the morning. I had to tap into my faith and my beliefs and my desire to attain a state of grace where I knew I wanted to live. Not just live, Gabi, but thrive.”
“Remy told me about your parents. I hope you don't mind that he shared it with me,” Gabrielle murmured.
“Of course I don't mind. I hope I'm not overstepping, but I sensed from the first time we met that you also have been through tragedy, well before tonight's fire.” Maggie had as speculative look in her eyes.
“Yes, you're right. Part of my family was lost in Hurricane Katrina. My grandparents and my uncle.”
Maggie nodded, her eyes full of understanding. “So, we have that in common. Unspeakable loss.”
Unspeakable loss. Maggie's words hit the nail right on the head. She'd been dealing with unspeakable losses for quite some time.
“Life doesn't always go in a straight line. There are peaks and valleys, stumbling blocks and surprises. Tonight was a setback. But it can only hold you back if you let it. We both know the worst that can happen to us in this world.” She squeezed her hand tight. “We both survived it. You can get through this Gabi. Losing everything you own is a terrible thing, but considering what you've already lost...you'll get through this, Gabi. You have the strength and the wisdom and the heart to get past this.”
Gabrielle stared down at the hardwood floor, twiddling with her fingers. “I feel a lot stronger now that I'm here. A few hours ago I wasn't sure I wouldn't shatter into a million pieces.”
“We're all very grateful you were safe with Remy when the fire broke out. I'm sorry you've had to endure this, along with everything else you've been through.”
“I'm grateful too. When I think of what could have happened if I'd been at home or asleep in my bed.” She shuddered, remembering the ash covered residents of her building who'd made it out of the building by the skin of their teeth. Once again, she gave thanks that everyone had made it out of the building alive. She made a mental note to ask Sarah to check at the hospital to see if anyone had been admitted for smoke inhalation or injuries.
Maggie pushed a few strands of Gabrielle's hair off her face. “Why don't you settle down for the night? Sarah laid out some pajamas for you, along with some toiletries. I'll tell everyone you've gone to bed. When you wake up in the morning it will be the dawning of a new day. I promise you, everything will seem a little brighter.”
Even though she longed to say goodnight to everyone, she had to admit she was exhausted. She couldn't think of anything lovelier than to lay down on these fluffy white pillows and tuck herself in under the rose colored duvet.
“I'll think I'll do just that, Maggie. It's been an incredibly long day.”
Maggie patted her hand and said, “That door right there leads to your own private bathroom. I'll say your goodnights for you.”
“Thanks for everything,” Gabrielle murmured.
“I'm so glad we could help. See you in the morning. I make a mean omelette and hash browns, although Alec has to stick to oatmeal these days. Sleep well.”
The door clicked closed behind her. Gabrielle ran her hand over the blue and white pajamas that Sarah had laid out for her on the bed. Today had been one of the worst days of her life, but as
she lay her head down tonight she would be giving thanks for all her blessings. A few hours ago she'd been convinced that she was homeless. Now, she was in the bosom of the Donahue family, lovingly taken care of and treated as if she was one of their own. For the first time in a long time she whispered heartfelt prayers until the stars were stamped out from the sky and she could no longer keep her eyes open.
“Resisting change is guaranteed to prevent you from growing.”
Brandon Donahue
Chapter Seven
The days following the fire were filled with a calm and quiet, as if everyone was allowing Gabrielle time to process what had happened. He couldn't remember a time when he'd been more proud of his family. They'd rallied around Gabrielle like champions, providing her with all the moral support she desperately needed. Thanks to Tess, Sarah and Lilah, she had plenty of clothes to wear. They kept bringing more items over to the house, determined to make sure she had everything she needed. His parents had taken her into the fold like one of their own. Every time he stopped by the house Gabrielle was in the thick of things—cooking dinner, playing cards with Dad or washing the dishes after supper.
Although she'd been taken off the work schedule in the days following the fire, Gabrielle insisted on returning to Sweet Treats as soon as she could convince Maggie and Alec she was fine. Remy admired her work ethic, along with her quiet determination and courage. Every day he was finding new things about her to admire and adore. Day by day, he was falling more and more in love with her. Many times in the past few weeks those three little words had almost rolled of his tongue. He'd reined himself in, knowing she wasn't ready to hear those words from him. Gabrielle had grown and changed in so many ways, yet he still felt she was shackled to her past in New Orleans. She was still haunted by the events of the hurricane. And she might never be whole unless she dealt with it head-on.
An opportunity had come up last week that he'd been wanting to discuss with Gabrielle. The New Orleans Museum of Art had invited him to display his work at an art reception. He'd be filling in for another artist who was gravely ill and couldn't honor his commitment. Even though it was fairly last minute, Remy had agreed to participate. As far as he was concerned, there was nothing like returning home to your roots. And he was hoping that Gabrielle would make the journey with him. With all the new hires at Sweet Treats and his mother putting in more hours there, he didn't think it would be a big deal for Gabrielle to be away for five days.
He was going to broach the subject with her this evening. Tonight Blue and Sarah were having a barbecue at their cottage. After they got married Blue had moved in to Sarah's cozy abode, which was located a few minutes away from Breezy Beach. In a few weeks they'd be renovating the cottage to include two more bedrooms, two additional baths, a bigger kitchen and a nursery. Just the idea of Blue being a father made him grin. As the caretaker of the Donahue clan, Blue had already shown he had the right stuff as far as fatherhood was concerned. Although he knew Blue and Sarah were trying for a baby, no announcements had been made as of yet.
By the time he arrived with Gabrielle, most of the family was already hanging out in the backyard. Most of his brothers were hanging out by the grill, no doubt giving Blue a hard time as he prepared the food. His parents were sitting in a hammock together, looking like two teenagers in love. He let out a sigh at the sight of them. They were still going strong after all these years. They made it look so easy, even though he knew they'd been through many hardships—numerous miscarriages, his father's military deployments and building up a business from the ground up.
“You want to get something to eat?” Remy asked, his stomach grumbling at the smell of burgers and hot dogs sizzling on the grill.
“Don't worry about me. Go get something to eat. I'm going to go over and talk to Tess and Sarah,” Gabrielle said with a little wave as she walked off to join the ladies.
It was wonderful to see Gabrielle feeling more at ease and less shy in social situations. He knew he might be getting ahead of himself, but one day, if Gabrielle became his bride, they would all be sisters-in-law. He stood for a moment and watched as the two women greeted Gabrielle like an old friend.
“Just in time for the food,” Ryder cracked as soon as Remy walked up to the grilling area.
He rubbed his stomach. “I've always had good timing.”
His brothers laughed and shook their heads.
Blue shook the spatula at him. “It never fails. You always arrive just when the food is done. It's like clockwork.”
Nick made his way over to him, handing over a cold soda. “How's it going?”
Remy looked closely at his brother, wondering if he was still feeling out of sorts. “I can't complain, Nick. How are you?”
He shrugged, his expression sheepish. “I want to apologize about the other night. I was in a funk. Some of the things I said were out of line.”
He put a hand on Nick's shoulder. “You were just speaking your truth. There's nothing wrong with that. We've always been straight with each other.”
Nick looked over in Gabrielle's direction. “You seem really happy. And that's largely due to Gabi, I think. Am I right?”
Remy nodded. Things were moving so quickly in his head. And in his heart. He was already dreaming about the future and thinking about where their relationship was headed. The feelings she evoked in him were the real deal. Now, after having fallen madly in love with her, he could only think of her as his future. His everything.
“You're right. She grounds me. I used to think about traveling the world and how exciting it was to be in a new city every month. Lately, things have changed. Now, all I think about is being with her and making a life for ourselves here in Breeze Point. And if I do travel the world, I'll want her right by my side.”
Nick raised an eyebrow. The hint of a smile rested on his lips. “Do I hear the chiming of wedding bells?”
Marriage? Was it too soon to even think about such things? No, it wasn't. As far as he was concerned, Gabrielle Turner was the one. She held his heart in her hands. And from the moment he met her, no one else would ever do.
“If I had my way, yes,” Remy answered. “I'm hoping that's where things are headed.”
Nick's eyes widened. “It's moving awfully fast, don't you think?”
Remy shrugged. “When you know where your heart lies, then you know. Sometimes it's that simple.”
“I don't think you should rush into anything, but if you do, you know I have your back, right?”
Nick's dark eyes were full of intensity. Although he was often the silent, brooding type, there was a great deal of generosity and loyalty in him. Remy reached out and hugged his brother. He'd needed to hear that from him.
“I'm counting on it, Nick,” Remy said as their hug ended.
“What are you two whispering about over there?” Wyatt asked, never one to enjoy being left out of a conversation.
“It's an A and B conversation,” Nick drawled, a smirk plastered on his face.
“C your way out of it,” Remy finished.
It was an oldie but a goodie. How many times had they delivered that line as know-it-all kids? It took him right back to childhood when all seven brothers had fought and played and loved each other unconditionally. Not much had changed in that regard, although they kept the arguing to a minimum. Nick and Remy laughed as Wyatt rolled his eyes at them.
“Foods up. Come and get it!” Blue called out, making a clanging sound with his spatula against the grill. Sarah stood by Blue's side as he handed off the food to her so she could place it on the table. Everyone gathered around the picnic table where the food was laid out. It was a veritable feast, with corn on the cob, cole slaw, potato salad, baked beans and salad, in addition to the items coming off the grill.
Remy caught Gabrielle's eye and waited for her to join him so they could eat together. As they all assembled together Ryder held up his hand and asked for quiet so he could say the blessing. “Dear Lord, thank you for allowing us to be gathered
here together with family and friends. Please bless this food for the nourishment of our bodies. We are thankful for your blessings. Amen.”
As everyone dug in to the food, Remy stood back for a moment and enjoyed the sight of all his loved ones gathered together for repast and celebration. Things were pretty close to perfect at the moment, and he was full of expectation for the weeks and months ahead. If anyone had told him a few months ago when his father had hovered between life and death that things would all turn around for the Donahue family, he would have found it hard to believe. This day was the living proof of holding fast to hope. Hope for a brighter tomorrow. Hope for healing.
Gabrielle turned towards him, a smile gracing her stunning features. She held up a plate.
“C'mon, Remy. I made a plate for you. Get it while it's hot.”
Within seconds he was back by her side, which was where he stayed for the rest of the evening. By the time they headed back home to the house, nearly everyone else had headed home, with the exception of his parents, who were planning to stick around and play board games with the newlyweds. Instead of saying goodnight to Gabrielle, Remy walked her inside the house, then invited her out to the backyard to sit for a few minutes and look at the stars.
All night he'd been waiting for the perfect opportunity to tell her about his trip to New Orleans. He took a deep breath and plunged in, hoping that Gabrielle would seize the chance to face the past, rather than run from it. It was hard to build a future without reconciling your past.
He took her hand in his and held it tight. “So, there's something I want to talk to you about, Gabrielle. Something important...for both of us.”
Gabrielle didn't know if the somber tone in Remy's voice was a sign of good news or bad. He wasn't usually so serious, at least not with her. For the most part, Remy was all smiles, grins and sly jokes. His mood seemed far from lighthearted, which made her nerves a little frayed.